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Welcome to Student Services! Saint Michael is an amazing school; it is a place not only to study and learn, but a place to grow in mind, body and spirit. Being a successful student is rewarding, but it also takes a great deal of hard work on your part. Student Services is here to support you on your path to success, whether you need to access our counselling services, want some career advice, need a peer tutor, or wish to receive some academic support.


Our Guidance offices are located in room 104. Mrs. Nikki Colavecchia is our school Guidance secretary. You can reach her at extension 2103. If you need an official transcript or have a general inquiry question, she is a good place to start your search. We have three Guidance counsellors:  Mrs. Lennox (last names A-F) - extension 2307; Mrs. Connor (last names G-M) - extension 2308; and Mr. Zanutto (last names N-Z) - extension 2309; They are your best stop for advice on course selection, pathways and career possibilities.

Child Youth Worker

We are pleased to have a Child Youth worker at Saint Michael. Ms. Sue Starks (extension 2306) is a great resource to utilize if you need a contact for mental health support.  Her office is located in the Guidance area, and she is available to speak with individuals in a private setting.

Student Success

Mrs. Caruso-Leitch and Mr. Di Francesco share the Student Success portfolio. Mr. Di Francesco works with students who require an alternative learning environment, due to exceptional circumstances. Mrs. Caruso-Leitch is in charge of our peer tutoring program and is the key person leading our Student Success team in supporting at-risk students. Both Mr. Di Francesco and Mrs. Caruso-Leitch have offices in the back of the SMIC. You can reach our Success Teachers at extension 2313.

Co-Operative Education

Students have opportunities to gain practical work experience while in high school by completing Co-Op credits in their grade 11 and 12 years. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn firsthand if a particular career or job is right for you. If you have any questions about Co-Operative Education, you can call Mr. Kelly at extension 2314.

Special Education

Some students require Special Education programming and support by being placed on an IEP. We have two main areas within Special Education. We have a Special Education class in room 107, which supports students working on modified or alternative expectations in the areas of life skills, remedial academics, daily living and social skills. Mr. Pietrangelo (extension 2312) and Mrs. Kirley (extension 2160) are the classroom teachers. Students on an IEP, who are working towards an OSSD or OSSC, are supported by our Educational Resource teachers in room 105. You can reach Mr. Ricci at extension 2311 and Mr. Casburn at extension 2310.

School Nurse

Ms. Dana Laja is our school nurse, and she is here one day a week.  Any student wishing to speak with her about specific health issues or other medical concerns, can make an appointment in Guidance. All information discussed is strictly confidential.

Some helpful links for students and parents:

  • MyWayto…: Niagara Catholic’s website with links to Student Achievement, Specialist High Skills Majors( SHSM), Ontario Youth Apprenticeship (OYAP), School-College-Work-Initiative, the Pope Francis Centre for Alternative Learning and First Nation, Metis and Inuit (FNMI).
  • eInfo: A complete Guide to Ontario’s universities for high school students. Search for your ideal program and find out all the information that you need to know.
  • OUAC: Ontario Universities’ Application Centre for students wanting to study post-secondary education at the University level.
  • An essential site for students wanting to know more about College programs and how to apply.
  • My Blueprint: In addition to the commonly used career matchmaker, course selection and career planning elements, Xello has embedded bilingual lessons on career development, Grade 8/9, Grade 12/ post-secondary transitions, financial literacy, college/ university admissions and more. My Blueprint can be accessed through the NCVLE portal.

Saint Michael Catholic High School  •   8699 McLeod Road  •   Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2H 0Z2  •   905 356 5155

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