Grade 11 - Arts
ATC3M - Dance (University/ College):
This course emphasizes the development of students’ artistry, improvisational and compositional skills, and technical proficiency in dance genres from around the world. Students will apply dance elements, techniques, and tools in a variety of ways, including performance situations; describe and model responsible practices related to the dance environment; and reflect on how the study of dance affects personal and artistic development.
ADA3M - Dramatic Arts (University/ College):
This course requires students to create and perform in dramatic presentations. Students will analyse, interpret, and perform dramatic works from various cultures and time periods. Students will research various acting styles and conventions that could be used in their presentations, and analyse the functions of playwrights, directors, actors, designers, technicians, and audiences. PREREQUISITE: ADA2O - Dramatic Arts
AMG3M - Music-Guitar (University/ College):
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of various kinds of music, including baroque and classical music, popular music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will continue to advance their understanding of theoretical elements. Emphasis will be on learning how to successfully read music and tablature and to apply related technical exercises to the guitar. Creative activities will involve some composition and analysis of the elements of music. Students will continue to advance their performance skills on the guitar in solo and small group settings. PREREQUISITE: AMU1O - Music or AMU2O - Music-Instrumental
AMG3O - Guitar Music(Open):
This course emphasizes the development of musical literacy through appreciation, analysis, and performance of guitar music, through the study of commercial, traditional and contemporary music. Students will apply the creative process through technical exercises and varied repertoire of their choosing. Students will concentrate on developing analysis skills while listening to and responding to live and recorded performances, and gain interpretive skills and the ability to work independently. They will study the function of music in society and the impact of music on their community. They will be introduced to basic theoretical aspects of guitar tablature and chords and notation. Students of any musical ability are welcome.
AVU3M - Music (University/ College):
This course provides students with opportunities to develop their musical literacy through the creation, appreciation, analysis, and performance of music, including traditional, commercial, and art music. Students will apply the creative process when performing appropriate technical exercises and repertoire and will employ the critical analysis processes when reflecting on, responding to, and analysing live and recorded performances. Students will consider the function of music in society and the impact of music on individuals and communities. They will explore how to apply skills developed in music to their life and careers.
AMV3M - Music - Vocal (University/ College):
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of various kinds of vocal music. Students will perform vocally in styles ranging from popular to jazz and classical. Students will continue to advance their understanding of theoretical elements. Emphasis will be on learning how to successfully read music and to apply related technical exercises to the voice. Creative activities will involve some composition and analysis of the elements of music. Students will continue to advance their performance skills.
AVI3M - Visual Arts (University/ College):
This course enables students to further develop their knowledge and skills in visual arts. Students will use the creative process to explore a wide range of themes through studio work that may include drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking, as well as the creation of collage, multimedia works, and works using emerging technologies. Students will use the critical analysis process when evaluating their own work and the work of others. The course may be delivered as a comprehensive program or through a program focused on a particular art form (e.g., photography, video, computer graphics, information design).
AWI3O - Visual Arts-Fashion Design (Open):
This course provides students with opportunities to further develop their skills and knowledge in visual arts. Students will explore a range of subject matter through studio activities, and will consolidate their practical skills. Students will also analyse art works and study aspects of Western art history, as well as art forms from Canada and other parts of the world. Students will learn about the world of Fashion Design, develop their industrial sewing skills, study the fashion curve and develop a personal wardrobe plan.
AWQ3M - Photography (University/ College):
This course focuses on studio activities in one or more of the visual arts. Students will create art works that explore a wide range of subject matter, and will evaluate art works using specific criteria. They will also examine historical and cultural contexts of Western art (including Canadian art) and art from various world cultures to support their study of specific media. Students will develop an understanding of self-expression in photography, dark room techniques, and history of photography. **Students must have access to a 35 mm camera.
AWR3O - Film/ Video (Open):
This course explores the history and genre of films by giving students the opportunities to examine various techniques used by past and present filmmakers. Students will develop analytical and interpretative skills through skills through research, large and small group projects, independent projects, written and oral presentation. Students will learn to respect and understand the history, cultural heritage and pluralism of today's contemporary society.