Grade 10 - English
ENG2D - English (Academic):
This course is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in their secondary school academic programs and in their daily lives. Students will analyse literary texts from contemporary and historical periods, interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts, and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on the selective use of strategies that contribute to effective communication. This course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 11 university or college preparation course. PREREQUISITE: ENG1D - English
ENG2L - English (Locally Developed):
In this course, students focus on extending their literacy and communication skills to prepare for success in their daily lives, in the workplace, in the English Grade 11 Workplace Preparation course (ENG3E), or in the English Contemporary Aboriginal Voices, Grade 11 Workplace Preparation course (NBE3E). The course is organized by strands that extend listening and talking skills, reading and viewing skills, and writing skills. In all strands, the focus is on refining foundational literacy skills and in using language clearly and accurately in a variety of authentic contexts. Students reflect regularly on their growth in these areas. PREREQUISITE: ENG1L - English - Locally Developed or ESLDO - Beginning Communication in English-ESL Level 4
ENG2P - English (Applied):
This course is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in secondary school and daily life. Students will study and create a variety of informational, literary, and graphic texts. An important focus will be on the consolidation of strategies and processes that help students interpret texts and communicate clearly and effectively. This course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 11 college or workplace preparation course. PREREQUISITE: ENG1D - English or ENG1P - English
ESLBO - Beginning Communication in English-ESL Level 1 (Open):
This course extends students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English for everyday and academic purposes. Students will participate in conversations in structured situations on a variety of familiar and new topics; read a variety of texts designed or adapted for English language learners; expand their knowledge of English grammatical structures and sentence patterns; and link English sentences to compose paragraphs. The course also supports students’ continuing adaptation to the Ontario school system by expanding their knowledge of diversity in their new province and country. PREREQUISITE: ESLAO - Beginning Communication in English-ESL Level 1